Monday 18 July 2016

The Benefits of Professional Will and Probate Solicitors Acting as Executors

Ideally, when a person dies he/she leaves behind a valid will according to which their estate is to be distributed amongst the surviving beneficiaries. In the will the testator (the person who wrote the will) will also have named one or more executors which are responsible for making sure that the estate is divided according the wishes of the testator. The executors are also responsible for carrying out all legal and administrative tasks before distributing the estate. It’s a tough job and people often avoid it. However, matters can be more streamlined if the testator nominates professional will and probate solicitors to act as executors. The following text contains more details.

The benefits of hiring solicitors as executors:-
Hiring a professional executor such a law firm or solicitor to administer the estate will benefit in the follow ways:-
-         The professional solicitor is capable of taking care of all legal, tax and other administrative processes associated with the estate.
-         Professional will and probate solicitors specialised in the area of law and therefore better qualified to administer the estate. Their fee can be deducted from the funds as an administration expense.
-         The professional executors have no personal connection to the estate and it is their job to ensure they administer the estate according to law and the will of the testator. 
For more information you are welcome to get in touch with the will and probate solicitors at Walker Wise Solicitors by phone on 01254 300 966 or email

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